Saturday, March 8, 2025

If I feel you when gods smirk


Am I a dirty old man

If you and gods enter

My life only after dusk,

Can I defeat insomnia

Without that deceitful faith

In a togetherness,

Till then, 

Lemme fit a #Pomeranian in a pome (Aargh!!!),

Lose battles before first cut,

Bluff with rhetorical queries,

Am I a dirty old man

If I feel you when gods smirk

At daydreams that were real.



Wednesday, March 5, 2025

easily forgettable


"You are a coward, #incognito and all that."

"Not that. Just a nonentity."


"After you left me, I became that. Not just invisible, so easily forgettable. That's for killing you."




Tuesday, March 4, 2025

eclipse of the mind


My first love was my own creation and she remained in the umbra.

The true one managed to put my consciousness in the #penumbra, enough light to love, dark enough to lust, b4 death.

Then came the love in the antumbra, never sure of the cause for the eclipse of the mind.
