Thursday, January 30, 2025

Natural redistribution of wealth


"What is your research topic?"

"Natural redistribution of wealth. It's about how the blue-collar workers stand to gain when the white-collar lot loses faith in matrimony and procreation."

"And the black-collar?"

"They will accelerate the process. Without gain, sadly."


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Needle


I saw 'Eye of the Needle' (1981) at that tender age when the past becomes irrelevant, and the future and the present are coyly entangled in deep uncertainty.

I knew then my love (in the future) would not let me live. That too, without me using the #needle on her hubby.


Sunday, January 26, 2025

When others don't


I like to see her 

Without the #flush, morn or night.

When others don't look.


#haiku #senryu ?

Thursday, January 23, 2025

stick to 4-letter-words


I was a Poet Laureate

Till I used 

décolletage (for decalage)


amanuensis (for anamnesis),

They still remember

Me the gladiator,

"My name is Gluteus Maximus Coitus Interruptus,

Loyal servant to my love..."

She interrupted,

"Don't #fawn


Stick to 4-letter-words."


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

To escape the blues


Pausing the flight 

To escape the blues,

There's hyped solitude

#Laced with grey uncertainty

And memories a mirage

Of mere nothingness,

Such thoughts trouble

Before scavenging,

Or call it hunt

In the epitaph.


Thursday, January 16, 2025

in between the ebb and flow


Why do I feel your touch?

They say the amputated is like that.

I could lose money

Or write about crime,

Why can't a condemned #fool 

Change for the better?

In between the ebb and flow of moods,

Life lingers in a smile at the sublime.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025



Followed love and lust-

Dizzy in a #labyrinth-

Ignored warning: Don't!


#haiku #senryu ?

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

the kill


Whispered I love you.

Then, #silence before the kill.

Brain dead. Pull the plug.


#haiku #senryu ?

Monday, January 13, 2025

It's too late now


When I had most of my life,

I lost nearly all of it.

Nearly all, I did not lose

The memory of a love too brief.

That killed me, leaving 

Nothing but the rest of my life.

Why did I put all on #ice? 

It's too late now. To answer.


Saturday, January 11, 2025

the quitting game


I go round

the temple pond

to keep count


the sublime 


minors destroyed

innocent dead

a world drowning

or on fire

I am a serpent




its tail

on which 

a serene god


waiting for me 

to #quit 

the quitting game

to accept

the end


Friday, January 10, 2025

i don't have to lie or love



i don't have to lie or love

for 48 hrs

not that you noticed

not the #esoteric crap

not the needy cry

i can lock myself

in a cage too small but right

for a fantasy

in which i wake up

after an or-gy with ah

i can't tell you that


#haiku #senryu ?

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Why do spouses...


"So, that's how I finished off hubby 4."

"This is not a normal first night chit chat."

"I didn't chit chat with the others. Don't worry. I won't kill you."

"Did you say that to the others?"

"Take a #guess. Why do spouses always think their case will end differently?"


Monday, January 6, 2025

you would still be you


"The follies of youth

or adult stupidity-

which should I #measure?" 

"Try to blame it on

the system, company or 

Peter Pan syndrome."

"Be serious, Swapna.

How many loves did I miss

With word or act wrong?"

"Do you want the truth?

Even if you had done it right,

You would still be you."


#haiku #senryu ?

Sunday, January 5, 2025

love for wrong reasons


Do you know why I loved her

I wanted all to understand

With her

Realized it didn't matter

A #question would be enough

Do you know why I loved her

She told me about all her lovers

Me too

Knew it didn't matter

My loves were imaginary

Do you also love for wrong reasons


Friday, January 3, 2025



I love people who:

believe in an ideology;

vote for a single party;

think there's only one love;

read-write feel-good crap;

hate unpleasant truths;

smile for a time-filler;

etc. etc. etc.

They say

I'm too old to love.

Ha am I #turning into

an idiotic teenage rebel?


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

war to lose


Declared war to lose.

My New Year #resolution.

Enough of BS.


#haiku #senryu ?


#Vanchiyoor #Trivandrum



all the abuse


I said Hi to 2025

After #AmarSinghChamkila on Netflix

Did I forget 2024

And all the abuse I took

Am I going to take

More of that from them

Am I going to beg

When the m*F* won't give even water

I will be ready without a #prompt

Let me be honest about the real creep me
