Friday, June 28, 2024

How I Wish


How I wish I could write,

A poem, or story,

Share my thoughts for some time,

To feel, you with me,

If not me with you.

How I wish I could love,

Not #furtive, nor aping,

Give you all that I can,

To have, trust again,

If not mine yours.


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Death you taught well



Which tool for the day, my old pal,

Stiletto or #serrated knife?

When one is young and full of dreams,

None can change life and thoughts like you,

The clock will not stop in that frame,

It will for the eye of the soul.

One then acts with the aim to fail,

Like that love note sent with no name,

Death you taught well from far to close,

How to lose a dream and still sleep.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Rules of Love


Old habits die hard.

"I love you."

"What do you want?" 10 yo but familiar with the #draconian rules of love.

"Shank the Skunk should sleep with the fishes."

His 3 older bros ruined my rep.

Those 3 words still get the same Q.

B4 I scoot.

Thrice burnt, forever shy.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Socratic questioning


After ‘The Lovers’, we went to the Empty Room. Frisked each other for weapons.

Topic: 'extramarital affairs'.

When two are #besotted with the idea of Socratic questioning, the walls turn red.

After the topic 'butter' (name the film), the windows had to be boarded up.


Monday, June 24, 2024

Caste Discrimination


One of the reasons for the survival of the dreadful caste system is that it is often difficult to prove caste discrimination.

"Do not engage in identity politics," the offender usually says.

If it looks like it, and feels like it, it is caste discrimination. 



us & them


The former Ward Councillor cried.

“Remember that project when we covered the stinking canal? I did NOT get a single penny from that. The MLA got his share.”

I felt sad for her.

The #tax-paying hoi polloi get their pink slip in better ways. Just a kick in the butt.


Sunday, June 23, 2024



Is it #skulduggery

Or #hardwired idiocy

When a citizen votes 

For none of the above

Methinks that's the right path

Of all by all for all...




Friday, June 21, 2024

truths, lies and inbetweens


There are black truths, white lies and #bleached in-betweens.

Here’s one of those.

I did not love you.

Yes, we were good to/with/for each other.


I killed you.

(And myself.)

In too many ways.

Literally and figuratively.

(This included.)


Thursday, June 20, 2024

sweet nothings


#Hearken we did well

To sweet nothings in #haiku.

Sans interruptus.


#senryu ?

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

making love


On the S-Bahn to Potsdam, two ladies in a loving embrace (like Rodin's 'The Kiss') mesmerized us.

On the way to (another) office, we walked slowly, 2 ft apart, never touching, whispering about the night before.

from 'A #Critique Of Outdoor Eroticism', 4th ed., $12.99.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

fractured faith


Go six feet under,

Memories, sweet and bad,

Beneath the vacuum

In this vault without light.

It's the eyes, the smile,

The trust, if you must know,

Those that are etched deep,

The breasts, the place for me.

When our lives were snuffed out,

Did You gain #fractured faith?


Monday, June 17, 2024

Art of War & Peace


Never call a #truce,

Says 'The Art of War and Peace'.

That keeps both at bay.


#haiku #senryu ?

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Complaints Division


“Is this CD, the Complaints Division?”

“What is your problem?”


“Go to him.”

“But, he’s the one who’s not giving me water.”

“Ok, go to her.”

“Will she help?”

“She will tell you to go to him. This is CD, the #Canoodling Devils.”


Wednesday, June 5, 2024

romance with normal people


The first meeting with my agent:

"Area of interest?"

"Romance with normal people."

"I don't promote fiction with farmer, poet, cashier, #librarian, ornithologist, superheroes, doctor. That's usually smut."

"Banker, lawyer?"



"Death wish?"


Monday, June 3, 2024

not worth selling


June 3.

The last rom-com was taken off the air. Even a gender-free sexless from death to life show could not save the genre.

Love is not a commodity worth selling. It involves too much pain too little gain.

Poets Anonymous members now write about a #crush on an alien.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

the architecture


One session with the marriage counselor fixed us.

"Understand the #architecture," he said, "the love."

"Love gave every action something extra," I said.

"I miss being part of the other even subconsciously," she said.

We had to leave the structure built with another.
